10 ways to identify a start up entrepreneur
You know you are a start up, when.... 1. The entire summer holidays have been spent working every day, in the office. You have no tan and therefore are mystified when people remark on the sunny English weather for the past few weeks. You hear about people going on holiday and think, yeah well, if and when I am successful, surely I too can have a holiday but in reality it is unlikely. 2. You are grateful that friends no longer invite you anywhere. Not only does this mean that you need not bother with an RSVP, it also means you don't have to go to another person's house and ask; "where can I plug in my laptop." 3. Your child is officially embarrassed that you run a company and starts making up fantasy job titles for you because the reality is so awful and non-cool. 4. When you offer your child to come along for a day at the office, you know that s/he will never say yes again. After their first excited day, of making cups of tea, Google research, checking o...